Alicia McCalla wants a diamond studded leather stock to go with her diamond bullet proof dress. See her interview with Hildie McQueen.

Alicia McCalla wants a diamond studded leather stock to go with her diamond bullet proof dress. See her interview with Hildie McQueen.

I'm so happy to be interviewed by Hildie McQueen. I love her great personality. Please take a look at my interview. It's hilarious. After I did it, I was thinking that I should've said I'd like to wear a diamond studded leather stock on my neck to give some elegance to my diamond bullet proof dress in front of the firing squad. LOL. Please leave a comment. Here's the reprint of that Interview.

Hildie:  Your pen name?    

Alicia: (None) I'm a bit of a glory hog and want people to know me by name. LOL!  

Hildie: Where do you write?

Alicia: I'm currently an unpublished author but have been hard at work trying to fix that situation.  I have been considering Indie Publishing, so look for an announcement in the near future. I believe I've found a great up and coming indie publisher to work with  to help me bring my work into the digital and POD market.

 Hildie: What genre do you write?

Alicia: I write YA and adult fantasy, futurism, and paranormal love stories.

Hildie: Here are three wacky questions, be as creative as you'd like. 

Hildie: If flowers tasted like candy, which one would carnations taste like?

Alicia: Well, I'm a yellow rose kind of girl, so I would be really pissed if someone gave me a carnation. LOL. So for me a yellow rose would be dark chocolate and a carnation would be a milk dud.  Should I say how much I despise milk duds? Laughing...

 Hildie: What is the second thing you'd do after winning a million dollars?

Alicia: With our bad economy one million wouldn't go nearly as far as I would like it to stretch.  My second thing would be to become a venture capitalist and look for assets with positive cash flow that would last me until I reached 120 years old.

 Hildie:    Death by firing squad or hanging?

Alicia: I would definitely pick the firing squad. One reason is because I'm a Marine Corps veteran. Marines wore leather stocks around their necks to protect from such neck things like hanging or decapitation.

 Second, my last wish would be to wear a dress made of diamonds like the Russian princess so that the rounds would bounce off.

 Finally, in the unlikely event that the dress didn't work, perhaps some sharp shooter or happy go-lucky marksmen would put me out of my misery quick.

 Hildie: Lastly, tell me about your current book.

Alicia: Breaking free has the drama and romance of teen urban fiction mixed with futuristic genetic enhancement. X-men turns into teen dystopian literature.  Three genetically enhanced African-American cousins must destroy an oppressive branch of the government to reunite their broken family.

The protagonist, XJ Patterson, despises the revolutionary world that she's been thrust in, but when her mother is hauled away by the government branch, she picks up the fight. With the help of her new boyfriend, recently reconnected cousins, and holographic grandfather, XJ seeks to save her mother from a deadly mind swipe procedure. This multicultural story is about reconnecting with lost family, interracial dating, relationship drama, and self-identity.

 Thanks for this wonderful opportunity Hildie, I think you're absolutely magnificent!

Alicia writes for both young adults and adults with her brand of multicultural urban fantasy, futurism, paranormal, romance, and horror. Alicia works as a media specialist or school librarian at a metro Atlanta school system and enjoys spending time with her husband and son. Visit to sign-up for updates and sneak peeks.

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Alicia McCalla photo credit Dr. Howard McCalla

I’m author Alicia McCalla. Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates, learn about my latest projects and purchase my badass, spunky and smart Black heroines on Merchandise!